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Health Benefits of Rose Petals

Have you ever sniffed a rose and been disappointed there was no fragrance? Unfortunately, this is the usual experience with supermarket bought roses. And these roses are not suitable for using in food or skin care products because they may have been dipped in pesticides, fungicides and even herbicides! So smelling a supermarket bought rose could have side effects that are not good for our health!

By contrast, rose petals plucked from pesticide free roses, grown locally have numerous healthy side effects. The fragrance of roses is known to help with feelings of anxiety and sadness, and even grief.

Try this for yourself and see: Take a handful of fragrant petals, or whole roses, that you know are pesticide free and hold them close to your nose. Breathe in deeply. Be careful, you may find yourself beginning to relax. Another positive side effect of breathing in the fragrance of roses is gaining a sense of joy!

You just might be pleasantly surprised!

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